Sunday, March 23, 2008

My experience in orkut and goal to achieve

Till now i took 3 interviews on "orkut's hall of fame" in that 2 are still going and on the edge to be finished, and it was really a wonderful experience to have a words with some extra ordinary people having charisma and guts, they all have one thing common in them and that is to look different and to do different from others. Saumya gupta's and orkut don's personalities are really impressive, they both are young, talented and ambitious guys who i think can do any impossible thing possible.

There are so many other people on orkut whom I am trying to contact and inviting them to have words with me, Its sometimes really a hard job to convince someone to take time for you, join your community, write down a reply to my every silly, boring, stupid questions( sorry for all those whom i bothered) with millions of people in one place its like a sea of so many fishes from that i am on my mission to find out those who are brilliant, who are real leaders, real rockers, with my busy busy schedule still i am able to find a little much time for orkut and this blog for heroes of orkut.

My goal is to talk to at least 1000people in 2 months and keep there talks updated and saved in this blog but its tricky and a hard job for me when brandboyz(my baby) also needs me, well let see where time will take us with orkut and the heroes of orkut.

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